I have questions.

I have no problem whatever engaging in a rational discussion of issues. It clarifies my thinking. I almost always learn something. I have, on occasion, seen the error in my logic and changed my position. We aren’t having many rational discussions. There are people I would consider to be good people – one or two near saintly – who continue to posit that Donald Trump is just getting a lot of bad press and is still their guy. I don’t understand.

“He’s going to make America great again.” What does that mean? When was that? Was that before Iraq? Before Beirut? Before the Civil Rights Act and Medicare? Before desegregation? What are they talking about?

I’ve heard him promise he was going to restore jobs, “lots of” jobs, “good” jobs. For whom would we be working? What would we be doing? In what industry?

If I ask these questions in a discussion of politics these days I become a target for personal attacks but I get no answers. Do they not ask these questions? Do they not know the answers?
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By any metric I’m familiar with, America is enjoying it’s best period in decades. There is a lot of background noise about all of the terrorism here and abroad, but I don’t find numbers to support those fears. I hear the media reports, but that’s how they sell advertising space, isn’t it?

What is driving the hysteria? I suspect it’s neo-fascism behind the hyper-nationalism and xenophobia of the day and I hope that we can get past this after November 8th, but will the election change anything? How can anything change without a discovery of the root of this rancor and dealing with that?

Interesting times. Tomorrow begins International Stoic Week, and I’m going to try to participate in that as much as I can in order to clarify my thinking. I have absolutely no expectation that I will be any more able to control anything beyond my control, but perhaps I can see it better.

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3 Responses to I have questions.

  1. Rain Trueax says:

    Blame the media that you don’t get those answers especially regarding Trump. Have we had a serious discussion regarding nationalism or globalism? When Hillary says she’s for open trading does that mean like NAFTA which has been weighted against our country’s jobs and products? When he says don’t let in Muslims who are connected to terrorist organizations, it is headlined he’s wants to ban all Muslims.

    How would he bring jobs back– by better trade agreements and making penalties on companies who take their manufacturing overseas for slave wages and no environmental controls and then bring the product back here without high tariffs. A better question though would be do we want globalism or nationalism?

    Understanding how globalism will impact our laws, products and jobs is important for Americans but there’s not a serious discussion because the media prefers salacious details of sexual encounters that may or may not have happened based on other witnesses– but does the mainstream media even report that? They prefer saying he’s stalking her in a debate which I saw the last half hour and no such thing was happening then anyway.

    There are reasons not to vote for Trump but nobody goes into the reasons not to vote for Clinton. Does the media even report what the wikileaks got? Nope because they can’t verify it but they report the women’s stories with no verification. It might sound like I am voting for Trump but that’s not the case. I just like fairness.

    What worries me is how Hillary misjudged the Arab Spring and the aftermath. It worries me that globalists, which she is one, think we have reason to go to war around the world and it does not have to be in national interests because all interest are global. It bothers me that she made all those speeches for many millions but won’t release the text because she doesn’t want the country to know what she says behind closed doors. It bothers me that the media, who likely is also heavily globalist, wants to destroy trump but not on the issues— they are avoiding them.

    Trump has said SS must be protected and the money in the trust fund paid back. What does Clinton say about SS? that we might need adjustments.

    And don’t get me started on ACA, which is turning out to be a bonanza for the pharmaceuticals with copays for many that they cannot afford and the new premiums, for those not on Medicaid or Medicare are going to be much higher… Doctors may end up having to accept lower payment for treating Medicare patients and say to heck with this I am retiring or no longer taking them. A lot of these issues are not in the debates.

    Americans are voting for a pig in a poke with Clinton with no idea what she will do because the debates have stayed away from serious issues facing this country and allowed both candidates to fudge their answers. We have no idea what we’d get with Trump either, of course. I am totally disgusted and the Supreme Court picks are a big deal– on either side. The ones I know who are voting for Trump, are not racists or bigots. They just want a change. Incidentally to call him a misogynist is not knowing what that word means. He’s maybe a lecher, a sexual addict, and a man with no respect for anyone who isn’t beautiful, but he’s not a proven hater of women

  2. Harold says:

    I am unaware of anything in Donald Trump’s history that would lead me to think for an instant that he has or has ever had any interest whatever in public service. I wouldn’t hire him to do anything that might require him to put my interests above his own. I just can’t.

  3. Rain Trueax says:

    Nope, he’s been a business man all his life. Other than donations to benefit his businesses, he’s been outside of politics. I heard Hillary comment that he’d never contributed if he hadn’t paid taxes– so anything done in the private sector is not a contribution– only government. I get it that’s how some think. I won’t be voting for him either though. As it stands, I am going third party. If they get enough votes, they get matching funds and it’s the only way possible the stranglehold on the Presidency can be broken from the hold of two parties who collude on a lot of what influences economics in the US. Their main area of disagreement is on how big to make government, how high taxes should go, and social engineering.