A Word About Denying One’s Id

Nancy Gordeuk revealed a bit more of her private self than she probably ever meant to the other day in Stone Mountain, GA. She’d already screwed the pooch by ending the graduation ceremony of the school she founded before the valedictorian’s speech. Most likely off balance and seeing the fruition of her prize achievement going sour, she blurted out a completely unnecessary observation that “all the black people” were leaving. Hate when that happens. Sucks to be her.

Here’s the thing: that crazy person who temporarily lost her poise was the real Nancy Gordeuk, and she’s a racist. I want to tell her that, in my opinion, that’s okay. She’s given kids an opportunity to finish high school who might otherwise not have graduated. That’s a good thing. When she denies that in that moment she was her true self devoid of poise or pretense she only makes it worse. She’s never been more herself than in that moment. I like to make believe I’m a better person than I am, too. Doesn’t make it true.

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Nancy, try using note cards instead of a program. I tend to lose my place in a program but putting one agenda item per card and putting each card on the bottom of the stack as it’s completed has worked for me.

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2 Responses to A Word About Denying One’s Id

  1. Rain Trueax says:

    It’s a bummer when our Id is basically damaging to others. Yelling at someone in traffic though is pretty much a harmless let off of steam– unless your partner is in the car with you and has to listen to the tirade when it had nothing to do with her lol (does that sound like I speak from experience? *s*)

  2. delaine zody says:

    I only saw the end of the graduation travesty, not what lead up to the screaming fit, but I have a hunch that the whole ceremony went far too long and speakers were far more long-winded than anyone appreciated.

    For 20 years I taught in a special program in an inner city high school that held its own graduation. I never let anyone (even the principal) speak for more than 5 minutes. I just told them, no one wants to listen to anyone for more than 5 minutes so say what you have to say and sit down. Worked very well.